A Call for Awareness and Accessibility in Horse Racing

There's a need for a greater awareness and accessibility when it comes to jobs in horse racing.

In the landscape of career opportunities, there's an industry often overlooked by the public: the dynamic and vibrant world of horse racing. While it might conjure images of jockeys racing around the course or spectators in tweed and posh hats cheering from the stands, there's a tapestry of roles behind the scenes waiting to be explored. TallyHo Talent recently surveyed the general public to gauge awareness and perceptions regarding jobs in the UK horse racing industry, and the results shed light on both the existing knowledge gaps and the untapped potential within this field.

The Current Landscape

Out of 540 participants, a staggering 46% admitted they were unaware of the diverse array of jobs available within the horse racing industry. This revelation underlines the need for increased visibility and efforts required to illuminate the diverse array of roles available. Despite this lack of awareness, a staggering 88% expressed eagerness to explore careers in horse racing if provided with the right information. Many of the participants said they wouldn't know where to look for jobs within the horse racing industry. This already shows that the enthusiasm is there but it just needs to be tapped into.

Knowledge and Education

When asked to rate their knowledge about various career paths within the horse racing industry, responses varied, with 26% admitting to minimal understanding and 20% acknowledging a lack of it. However, a notable 80% emphasised the importance of educational institutions offering courses or training programs related to horse racing careers—a sentiment echoed by the participants' comments. This highlights the pivotal role of education in bridging the gap between aspiration and attainment, empowering individuals to pursue a career within the industry with confidence and competence.

Providing avenues for education and training will empower individuals to take action and cultivate the necessary skills for success in the industry. However, there's no point in providing this education and training if no one gets to know about it.

Breaking Barriers

The survey revealed that a significant portion, 53%, of respondents believe that opportunities exist within the horse racing industry for individuals without prior experience with horses. However, the confidence levels regarding knowledge about the various career paths within the industry were notably lower, with only 20% expressing a high level of confidence. 

Diversity and Inclusion

54% of respondents were unaware of any initiatives aimed at encouraging people from diverse backgrounds to enter the horse racing industry. 

The BHA (British Horse Racing Association) is currently inviting people to share their views through a survey, however, this is aimed at people already in the horse racing industry.  

Employees within the racing industry are also encouraged to share their perspectives and experiences with the research team by participating in interviews and focus groups.

Horse racing is one of few sports where all genders compete on equal terms and this message needs to be heard loud and clearWomen in Racing, an independent initiative works hard to introduce more women into racing.

Taster days have proved to be successful, like the one from "Riding a Dream Academy"  

Racing with Pride also works hard for the LGBTQ community but still, I repeat 54% of people surveyed are unaware of these initiatives.

Participants were invited to leave a comment should they wish to and these comments offered a glimpse into the perceptions and experiences surrounding careers in the horse racing industry. Some highlighted the importance of educational institutions offering relevant courses, while others highlighted challenges and misconceptions that warrant attention.

Many participants expressed reservations about the accessibility of jobs to the general public, citing perceived limitations and the necessity of prior experience. 

Others mentioned the lack of entry-level opportunities for individuals without prior experience in horse racing.

There is a perception that most jobs require extensive experience or specific credentials and this stops people from seeking out opportunities.

Looking Ahead 

These perspectives underline the complexity of navigating careers in the horse racing industry and highlight the importance of addressing misconceptions, fostering inclusivity, and providing pathways for skill development and advancement. 

There's much work to be done in demystifying the world of horse racing careers and making them accessible. 

By listening to the voices of the general public and engaging in dialogue, we can pave the way for access to job opportunities within the horse racing industry for everyone.

Horse racing shouldn't be reserved for the few, it needs to be accessible to all! 

Kevin Blake recently wrote an interesting piece about the talent drain in horse racing, stating that it is a very real threat.

Contact office@TallyHotalent.com to discuss.

The participants were invited across social media to complete the survey. 

30% of the participants were aged 18 - 29 years

40% of participants were aged 30 - 39 years 

23% were aged 40 - 49years  

7% were aged 50  -59 years  

2% were aged 60 and over   

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Survey results PDF