The Crisis in Thoroughbred Breeding

The prestigious world of thoroughbred breeding is facing a crisis!

The crisis: a severe shortage of skilled staff. Stud farms are grappling with the challenge of recruiting and retaining the specialised workforce essential for the care and development of racehorses. We need to delve into the reasons behind this crisis, its potential outcomes, and the broader impact on the racing industry.

The Challenge of Staff Shortages

Roles on stud farms demand an exceptionally high level of specialist care, leaving the industry questioning where to find skilled workers in the face of this shortage. The meticulous care and attention required for breeding racehorses make it imperative to address the recruitment challenge promptly.

Brexit's Impact on the Industry

Adding to the industry's woes, Brexit has ushered in significant changes at all levels, including administrative and logistical processes. The implications of these changes have reverberated throughout the breeding sector, contributing to the recruitment crisis. The adjustment to new regulations and procedures has created additional hurdles for an industry already grappling with workforce shortages.

The Perception of Thoroughbred Breeding

One potential factor contributing to the recruitment challenge is the misunderstanding surrounding the profession of breeding horses for racing. The perception that it requires a privileged background and the right connections may deter talented individuals from considering a career in the industry. Dispelling these misconceptions is crucial for attracting a diverse pool of talent.

Demonstrating Career Progression

To entice individuals into the industry, there must be a clear demonstration of career progression within the sport and beyond. Highlighting success stories of individuals who have climbed the ranks in the thoroughbred breeding world can serve as inspiration for newcomers. This, coupled with mentorship programs and educational initiatives, can pave the way for a more sustainable workforce.

The Shift Away from Rural Life

The shift away from rural life and the decline of people growing up around horses has also impacted the talent pipeline. Practical experience and knowledge within the equine world are becoming increasingly scarce. Initiatives to reconnect people with rural life and promote hands-on experience with horses can help address this aspect of the recruitment challenge.

The thoroughbred breeding industry is at a crossroads, facing a critical juncture that demands immediate attention. Employers must step up their game to address the recruitment challenge, dispel myths surrounding the profession, and demonstrate the opportunities for career progression. Failure to do so could have far-reaching consequences for an industry that thrives on the passion and dedication of its workforce. 

The findings of the 2022 Recruitment, Skills, and Retention survey, conducted by Public Perspectives and funded by the Racing Foundation, shed light on the pressing challenges confronting the thoroughbred breeding industry. The survey unequivocally confirmed the industry's struggle with substantial workforce and skills shortages, imparting a stark reality that is reshaping the operational landscape of stud farms. As a vital pillar of the racing world, these farms are grappling with the tangible effects of the shortage, which not only hinder their day-to-day operations but also pose a significant threat to the overall health and sustainability of the industry. This comprehensive survey serves as a wake-up call, urging stakeholders to take swift and decisive action to address the root causes of the crisis and ensure a resilient and thriving future for thoroughbred breeding.

If the recruitment crisis persists and skilled personnel continue to be elusive, the breeding industry could face dire consequences. With more people leaving the industry than entering it, the delicate balance required for successful breeding operations is at risk of collapsing. Stud farms may find it increasingly challenging to maintain the high standards necessary for breeding top-tier racehorses.

The time to act is now to ensure the continued excellence of the racing industry.  

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