Why Equine Businesses Must Prioritise Candidate Communication

Equine businesses often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, from managing yards to coordinating events. 

Amidst the hustle and bustle, one crucial aspect that sometimes gets overlooked is communication with job applicants. Failing to reply to candidates who apply for positions can have significant negative effects on equine businesses, impacting their reputation, talent acquisition efforts, and overall success.

The Impact of Equine Businesses Ignoring Job Applicants

Damage to Reputation

When candidates don't receive a response to their job applications, they're left feeling undervalued and ignored. This negative experience can spread quickly through word-of-mouth, tarnishing the employer's reputation within the industry.

Missed Opportunities for Hiring Great People

Equine businesses rely on skilled and passionate individuals to drive their success. Failing to engage with job applicants means missing out on potential talent that could contribute to the growth of the business. In a competitive industry where great people are in high demand, every missed opportunity for hiring talent can have far-reaching consequences.

Of course, there are many reasons why equine employers unintentionally ignore applicants.

High Volume of Applications 

Especially for popular positions, employers may receive a large number of applications. Unfortunately, this can make it challenging for them to respond to each applicant individually.

Resource Constraints

With a limited number of employees already employers may struggle to respond to every applicant promptly.

Time Constraints

 There are many responsibilities in the equine industry beyond just recruitment. There's managing stables, training horses, coordinating events and more leaving limited time to respond to job applications.

Preference for Suitable Candidates

Some employers may only respond to candidates whom they are considering for an interview or further consideration. While it's courteous to acknowledge all applicants, in practice, employers may prioritise communication with candidates who meet their initial criteria.

The equine industry presents unique challenges when it comes to hiring great people. From the specialised skills required for roles such as trainers and stable managers to the long hours and often remote locations of equine businesses, finding the right people can be a challenging task. Additionally, many equine businesses lack the resources and infrastructure necessary to effectively manage the recruitment process, leading to delays and inefficiencies.

How Can Equine Businesses Can Rectify the Situation?

Establish Clear Communication Expectations

Communicate the hiring process and expected timelines to candidates upfront. Let them know whether they can expect a response, even if it's just an acknowledgement of receipt of their application.

Implement Automated Responses

Set up automated email responses to acknowledge receipt of job applications. This simple step can reassure candidates and demonstrate that their application has been received.

Designate Responsibility 

Assign specific team members or individuals to manage the recruitment process and respond to job applications. Having dedicated personnel responsible for communication with candidates can ensure that responses are timely.

Invest in Technology

Consider investing in applicant tracking systems or other recruitment software to streamline the application review process and facilitate communication with candidates.

Prioritise Candidates

Treat job applicants with respect and professionalism throughout the recruitment process. Provide regular updates on the status of their application and be transparent about the decision-making process.

Equine businesses cannot afford to overlook the importance of communication with job applicants especially as candidates are becoming choosier about who they work for. 

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