Why Job Descriptions in the Equine Industry Suck

When it comes to job descriptions many employers still struggle to get it right but then there are equine industry employers, now that's another level!

The art of crafting decent job descriptions often takes a backseat to the more immediate demands of horse care and day-to-day operations. But is this overlooked and neglected task stopping your equine business from attracting top talent?

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Many equine employers face challenges when creating compelling job descriptions.

Here’s why:

The Unique Struggles of Equine Employers

Lack of Expertise

Many equine businesses are family-owned operations without dedicated specialist recruitment staff. Crafting effective job descriptions sometimes requires a certain level of HR knowledge or recruitment marketing know-how which can be lacking on yards and in equine organisations.

Low Emphasis on Employer Branding

There might be a cultural norm within the industry that undervalues employer branding, leading to less attention on why the company is a great place to work.

Unawareness of Competitive Benefits

Employers might not be fully aware of what constitutes attractive benefits in the broader job market. They may offer benefits but fail to articulate them well in the job description or not at all.

Little Time

With the daily demands of running a yard or managing an equine business, there's little time left to focus on recruitment. This often results in hastily written job postings that fail to attract the right candidates. Immediate operational needs seem to always take precedence over long-term recruitment strategies.

Underestimating the Importance

A common misconception is that job descriptions are merely formalities. However, they are critical tools in attracting quality candidates. Without a well-crafted job description, potential applicants might overlook your job opportunity.

Assumption of Applicant Knowledge

There can be an assumption that potential applicants already know what working in the equine industry entails and what benefits might be offered, therefore the employer leaves lots out of the job description.

The Communication Conundrum

Writing Skills

Good writing is essential for clear communication of job roles, benefits, and company values. Some employers might not have the skills necessary to create engaging job descriptions.

Marketing Aspect

A job description isn't just a list of duties – it's a marketing tool. It needs to sell the role and your business to potential candidates, a skill that often eludes those unfamiliar with marketing principles.

Focusing Too Much on Technical Details

Overemphasis on Requirements

While it's important to outline the responsibilities of the job, many employers focus too heavily on the technical requirements, neglecting to highlight the perks and positive aspects of working for their business.

Traditional Practices and Resource Constraints

Sticking to Old Templates

The equine industry is quite traditional, and this can mean sticking to outdated job description templates that have always been used which don't highlight benefits or the work environment effectively.

Enhancing Your Job Descriptions

Improving your job descriptions doesn't have to be daunting. Here are some strategies to help you get started:

  1. Seek Assistance: Consulting with professionals or using online resources can significantly improve your job descriptions.
  2. Highlight Benefits: Clearly outline the benefits and unique aspects of the job and why your company is a great employer.
  3. Use Clear Language: Focus on clear, concise, and engaging language that communicates both responsibilities and perks.
  4. Emphasise Employer Branding: Articulate your company culture, values, and what makes working there a rewarding experience.
  5. Gather Feedback: Get input from current employees on what attracted them to the job and incorporate those elements into your descriptions.

Resources at Your Fingertips

To aid you in crafting compelling job descriptions, take advantage of these resources:

Industry Associations and Organisations

  • Equine Employers Network: Provides support and resources, including best practices for job descriptions and hiring processes.

Professional Services

  • HR Consultants: Specialised HR consulting firms or freelancers with experience in the equine industry.
  • Recruitment Marketing Specialists: With a focus on the equine industry these specialists can offer insights into what candidates are looking for and develop a strategy with you to attract them.

By leveraging these resources and strategies, equine employers can create job descriptions that not only attract top talent but also reflect the true value and opportunities of working in the equine industry. Transform your job descriptions today and transform your business by attracting more of the right candidates.

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